Conservation, colours, classics and choir

Conservation was earlier than usual this week, so Bob took K when he took J in and they went straight on to conservation – only to start worrying when nobody else turned up until well after the advertised time. I remember when I lived in Cherbourg being told about the “petit quart d’heure cherbourgeois” which meant that everything started late because people were laid-back about time-keeping. It seems to be a HE trait too 😉
Those of us still at home did the usual sort of jobs: Maths, music, some English, finishing off the May lapbooks… Suma delivery arrived and was partially sorted, setting aside Michelle’s items and putting away ours. We had lunch and cleared the table ready for Latin, then did a few more jobs. I think the weather must have been good and the chance to play irresistible 😉
Eventually K arrived back, brought by Michelle and C, and we got stuck straight into some German, learning the colours, then playing a game with them to help them stick and finally setting up a worksheet to be finished for next time. It was good to actually get a proper German session in 🙂
Latin was finishing off chapter 11, so only one more chapter to go now. We started by feeding back the research that had been done since last time into what a groma is and how it is used. The plan had been to make and use one last Friday, but we’ll save that for another time now – I think it needs a full day, really, and there’s lots of stuff we can do around the edges, using Roman measurements and comparing them with what we use today: Maths, Classics and DT all wrapped up into one 😀
Unfortunately we had to cut the session a bit short to get the girls to choir – and remembered at the last minute that we had suma to hand over. We still would have just about made it on time had there not been an accident on the other carriageway which apparently necessitated everyone going our way slowing down to have a good look *sigh*
Dropped off the girls, parked, walked to library, met up with J, walked back to choir, met up with girls, waited for Bob (delayed by the same rubberneckers), sent girls and J home with him, ate tea, sat and sewed while K sang and then finally made it home with just enough energy to collapse into bed. No dancing again 🙁 One of these days the opportunity and the energy will coincide 😉