London by Design

Sunday 11th was a preaching Sunday for me, while the children went to Sunday school and got regaled with chocolate. In the afternoon Kfish and Jfish had Call Me Ceilidh and then Kfish had Evensong.

Monday 12th was a day of normals, with cello, football, English, Guides.

On Tuesday 13th L had a saxophone lesson with Stephanie, who happily indulges his love of jazz and has lent him some music to be working on. Afish had Brownies and apart from that it too was a day of normals.

On Wed 14th we took the train into London for a trip to the Design museum, which I have to admit I did not know existed until a few weeks ago! We took the underground and came out right by the shard for a walk through some of the interesting newly developed parts of London, with a backdrop of some of the most historic parts. We walked through Shad Thames and onto Tower Bridge for a good look up and down the river, trying to imagine how it might have been a few hundred years ago. On the bridge we also met up with HH, SB and BB and then made our way to the museum together… and waited forty-five minutes to be allowed in because the visit organiser was running late and they wouldn’t let us in until she got there. Sigh. At least there were some benches to sit on while we shivered and ate our lunch! Once we eventually got in and warmed up we had a very interesting walk round the shop until they were ready to let us up into the museum itself. It’s a very small museum, with two exhibition spaces and a workshop space, so they change the exhibitions frequently. When we were there the keynote in the main space was women and fashion, with the emphasis on power-dressing through the ages. The other space had displays from five guest designers working to different briefs. One had been working on redesigning housing and communal living spaces, another rethinking how banks work and so on. The children’s favourite was the amazingly simple but effective construction toys made out of layers of cardboard and capable of being built into a variety of structures – there was a set out to play with, so they were able to have a go for themselves. The workshop itself, when we got to that part of the day, was excellent: they were put in pairs and given a different item per pair to draw and write a spec, then decide what they thought it was for and critique the design. Some were iconic, others simply weird! The workshop ended late so we had to rush for the tube and annoyingly just missed the train we had been hoping to catch, which meant that we caught more traffic on the roads so Kfish missed choir and Jfish was late for Italian, but not disastrously so.

Thurs 15th started gently with a morning at home, then an afternoon of trombone lessons and gym, followed by a big evening rush as Kfish and L went to judo, Lfish, Afish and Jfish had a junior brass band trial session and I had a local preachers’ meeting to rush to as soon as I could.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday were full of the usual things: library, violin, choir, music school, gym, services (with added choir lunch) – and lots of packing and getting ready for our holiday…