
Friday was a day of deliveries: first of all J had to be back at school by 4am, which meant a very early start for him and for Bob, but also for me as official waker-upper! At least leaving at 3:15 means traffic is generally not an issue, so he was soon safely delivered 🙂 He’s going to the Netherlands on an orchestra trip with his old school, so he’ll get to play his trombone lots even if it’s not direct exam practice. It may not help his recorder playing much though…

We were expecting a delivery at about 9:30, after which we could leave for conservation.Then we found out that another delivery, which we had been expecting in the afternoon, was due at about 10. This meant our plan of Bob coming home for the afternoon would no longer work. Since I had already warned people that we might be late if L was feeling rough again this was not a problem -leaving at 10 would still get us there in plenty of time to help with conservation tasks and cooking. The first delivery came nice and early, then we all got ready and waited for the second, but there was no sign of it. Eventually Bob phoned and was told it was about twenty minutes away, so we carried on waiting. Finally it arrived at about 11:20, then we did the fastest turnaround ever, sorting out the Beans’ stuff to take with us and still managing to leave by 11:30. We arrived just in time to add our (pre-cooked) veg to the pot and eat! No Conservation for us then 🙁 although we did get chilli and chat, and we helped to clear away 😉

Beans’ Suma safely delivered, we dropped the boys off near the library and went on to violin, where we discovered that Lfish’s violin has a buzz which needs attention before her exam, so our next port of call was to the string shop where she tried new bows (and thankfully decided they’re not better enough to be worth it – phew!) and we were asked to leave the violin for the luthier to look at. I then dropped Lfish off at choir, left Afish with her friend Z, reminded Kfish not to be late, collected L and took him to music, then returned to find that Bob had picked up the girls and Kfish was still singing. Friday logistics take some planning!

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