Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Last term we kept meaning to try a new multisport session in the opposite direction to usual. Having a free Friday morning this seemed a good time to go. It’s cheaper than our usual one because there’s a substantial sibling discount and it was fun, but the boys were all older than any other children afaics, so not ideal age-group-wise. We may go again whenever it won’t clash with Conservation and hope it picks up a few older children. We’ll see.

Home for normals then off to violin, dropping L and Kfish at the library on the way. Afish had been hoping to meet up with a friend and we had books to collect from another mum at friend’s school so we went there after violin and found books but no friend, so she came with us to the library to find the boys and then she and both Ls went home with Bob while Kfish had boys’ choir.

On Saturday there was a big heritage day in Cambridge, which included music from members of choir, and lots of Kentwellies dressed as Tudors to welcome Queen Elizabeth I on a recreation of her tour of Cambridge colleges 450 years ago. We missed the beginning because of music school (which L said was easy to medium for the music, but medium to hard for the English, so probably a good balance) and then Jfish and L both declined to dress up and Kfish decided to go back to civvies as soon as he could after singing, but the rest of us had a lovely time selling sweetmeats and huzzah-ing as the queen went by, culminating in evensong in the gorgeous King’s college chapel. Some photos were taken, and some more, and a video too. (At 2:57 or so in the video you’ll see the vicar of Great St Mary’s – which was hosting the event – doing his first bit of Tudor re-enacting in a costume borrowed from a Kentwellie, which he really enjoyed.)

Meanwhile the boys went to see the workings of the Corpus clock and then visited the Whipple.

On Sunday Kfish had Eucharist and mattins, so it was an early start for him and Bob, while the rest of us went to our local church for a special service led by two Salvation Army majors to commemorate the beginning of WWI. We were given replicas of the booklets handed out to soldiers 100 years ago, with St John’s gospel and a few hymns.

In the afternoon we had a chore-pause and then filled the now brightly painted volcano with bicarb and vinegar. This didn’t produce the enormous eruption that was hoped for – the children’s choice of a large bottle inside the crater might have stopped the ingredients mixing as well as in a smaller bottle – but it was still enjoyed by all. Bonus fun came from catching the CO2 given off by the reaction in balloons, and then using the CO2 to put out a candle flame. Jfish even had the bright idea of first emptying the balloon into a glass, and then tipping the glass onto the flame. This was to make sure that the fire extinguishing was from the CO2 and not the sudden whoosh of a random gas.

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