Synagogue and scootering

Recently there have been visits arranged by members of our local HE group to different places of worship. Unfortunately we’ve not been able to make most of them, so i was very pleased when one came up that we cold do, to a synagogue which was not the one the children and I visited last year. Unfortunately we had been told that younger siblings would not be allowed to attend and that the minimum age was seven, which meant that neither A nor S could go in, and therefore I could not either. Since I trust my children to behave without me this was not a problem for them, but it was disappointing for me and means I can’t now tell you what happened there. I might see if I can get the children to blog what they remember though 😉
What was particularly frustrating was that when we dropped the older ones off A, s and I were invited in by the speaker, only to be warned off by the HE organiser in a way which frightened the children enough that they didn’t dare take up the invitation, so we sat in the foyer and played I Spy instead.
Lots ofscootering on the way back to the car and by the time we got there everyone was starving so we grabbed a packet of biscuits to share and made our way back for toast whilst watching Animal Heroes – I was assured it was educational enough to merit watching and actually it was quite good 🙂
Home for music practices and such, while Bob collected J since he was out for a coffee afternoon anyway – sounds very civilised but in fact a group of ex-colleagues meeting fortnightly to see how the job-hunting is going.