Monday, Tuesday…

Monday was a day of mooching. Bob left shortly after 8, later than usual but still before most of us were up (except L) and then we took our time to eat breakfast, watch tv, play in the garden, put on washing, read books, play on computer etc etc. I don’t think any of us actually got properly dressed 😳 A day of recovery, I guess. We did read Medecin d’un jour, which had arrived while we were away, so I guess that counts for something 😆 Oh and J dictated his account of what he got up to at KH; he’s hoping First News might publish it, but we’ve not heard anything yet 😕
Today was swimming, so we dedicated the morning to lounging around and looking for swimmers. Nina and the Neurons came in somewhere too. L had a go at lessons today, so all 3 of them were in together, and I went in to help once there was someone able to take A for me. I think I arrived just in time for the teacher’s sanity 😆 He was giving them all numbers and as I got there he asked “OK, so who’s a number 1?” and almost all of them raised a hand. Sighing, he tried again, “Who’s number 2?” and again most of the hands went up – at which point he gave up and just let me deal with fielding the excess ones when he said go 😆 There were a lot of little ones today…
We stayed in the toddler pool for a fair while afterwards, then went to DB with Gina and co, where I failed to remember what I needed to buy, but got some bits for lunch anyway, then we went to the park and watched the children play for ages 😀 Suddenly realised how late it was, went back to DB, where I again failed to remember anything I needed and then came home, via the Coop to pick up eggs as J had decided he wanted to cook tea and it was going to be omelettes 😀 As well as eggs I found some meringues and strawberries on special offer, so in the end J cooked omelettes (in the microwave so he could do them pretty much unaided 🙂 ) while I stir-fried veg to go with them, then we had strawberries and cream with meringues – A the fruit bat pinched half of my strawberries but at least was making “more please” noises rather than just screeching for more! Very nice 🙂
After tea I had to feed A, so the others took themselves off upstairs, ostensibly to get ready for bed, but in fact to prepare a surprise for me. A fell asleep and I managed to put her on the bed, so was able fully to appreciate their handiwork. The entire bathroom wall above the sink is now covered in decorations and patterns, done in soap crayons (thanks Alice!) and the utterly disarming message that I am the best Mummy in the whole world. How could I be cross, especially when J put his arms around me and said “It’s true, Mummy!”? They want it to stay there, but I’m worried the colour will set if left too long, so have promised to take photos before cleaning it off. I think it can stay until tomorrow though – I could use the boost 😉
And so to bed…

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