We interrupt the Kentwell to bring you some links

I ought to be in bed as it’s an hour ahead here, but I’m catching up on RSS feeds from our week away and came across these via TED.

  • I shan’t introduce this video, just watch it.
  • Probably out of date by now (it’s from 2002) but an amazing look at how humans and other animals walk, and how that can lead to incredibly simple robots that can walk very well.
  • A blog about African ingenuity.
  • To show I’m not a snob at least some of the time, a Daily Mail article by Brian Cox on the Large Hadron Collider and the science around it. An excellent quote from it:

    Your hand is nothing more than a complex, temporary arrangement of these three particles. The particles themselves have been around for the entire life of the universe. They are spending the blink of a cosmic eye in the pattern known as ‘you’.

Tomorrow night, after I’ve had another struggle to find veggie food in the Land of Meat, I’ll do the Kentwell stuff. In the photos of the Green Man in Katy’s post you can see Katy + A dancing, and Dave H’s friend Sam on his hurdy-gurdy.