This week…

Monday: CHEF sport, which is always high on our fun things to do list 🙂 then a brief trip to the park before coming back here for lunch. Didn’t want to stay out to long as K was doing sealion impressions much of the night 🙁 Maths, English and a few odds and ends happened in the afternoon and I should have been at a church meeting in the evening, but was so tired that Bob went for me – what a star!

Tuesday: Usually our at home day 🙂 and today even more so as K really not a happy bunny 🙁 J did two lots of English and Maths 😯 and K still managed one and some piano practice 🙂 In the afternoon we intended to go shopping (cupboards looking a bit bare) and then get cash out so we could go to the next town to collect some Ebay things, but getting ready took a bit too long, so we just stopped for cash on the way… which is when I realised my card had expired and I couldn’t get any out :slap: – thank goodness we hadn’t just spent an hour loading up the trolley before we found out! No way of contacting the Ebay seller, so we had to go to her house and grovel, then come back home, wait for Bob to get back, take him into town to get money and then all drive to collect the bits. Then I made him come shopping too, so he could pay 😉 – not as bad as it sounds because we yielded to J’s pleas for pizza (a few days ago he opened an envelope addressed “to the pizza lover” with lots of coupons and has been begging to use them ever since 😆 ) so Bob and the children went to order that (and watch it being made) while A and I shopped 😀

Wednesday: CHEF trip to Wandlebury today; we left early, picked up a parcel on the way and then were late thanks to horrendous traffic, but once we’d found everybody it was good. The children looked for invertebrates and then classified them into trays labelled “no legs”, “6 legs”, “8 legs” and “many legs” which we have done before but they still seem to enjoy – any excuse to rootle around in mud and piles of leaves, I suspect! Then they talked about food chains and made a food web using laminated cards. We also learned about the different layers in a wood: ground, herb, shrub and canopy and we finished up by doing some leaf rubbings.
We opted not to stay for a picnic lunch, as the sky looked rather threatening (actually the children wanted to stay anyway, but I was a Mean Mummy 😆 ) and just got back to the car before the rain. After a late lunch at home more Maths and English happened (we’re on a roll!) and then piano practice etc and after schools tv, which had to be interrupted for early tea before Badgers. Huge box of fabric arrived while Bob and the boys were out, including a 1kg bag of mixed scraps which kept L busy for about an hour, taking out, admiring, describing and finally laying the squares out on the floor in a pattern – those will go in the rainy day box, I think.

Thursday: P & T was fairly quiet today and those who did come came late-ish, but J was happy that he got to try out playing Kaboodl – once we’d worked out the rather complicated rules! A couple of new mums came along at the end for a sling demo, then ended up borrowing a couple of my slings each to try for a week. I do like it when you can match people up with what they need 😀
J and K tried Maths Ad Libs – too hard for K, but J liked it, so I think we might bring those out from time to time.
Meeting with LA chap in the evening – first one I’ve been to, as we were mid-move last time and Bob went to the one before that. A came too and blew bubbles throughout :frog: but it was very interesting. They are hoping to arrange things so that there are one or (preferably) two dedicated HE inspectors, who will also do things like looking into logistics of arranging a place HE children can sit exams. Also hoping to reduce frequency of inspections where there is no cause for concern – they need to spend less and this seems an obvious place to cut back.

Friday: work in progress, but so far Maths, English and lots of schools TV 😳 before lunch, then we’re off to French and Music, then dashing across the county to try out a new drama and singing group…

1 thought on “This week…”

  1. just googled for Math Adlibs, never heard of them but like the sound of them. Am going to download the sample sheets and try them out. Where did you get them? The learning resources place?

    Enjoyed reading the long posts, nice to see how people HE 🙂

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