Still catching up

(and hoping Bob will blog Centerparcs so I can tick that week off my list 😉 )

I was working on 2nd January, the first day of new hours at the shop so we were open 10 – 2. Lots of inquiries and phone calls and more sales than I’d expected, but still a fairly quiet day. Sarah popped in for a chat, which was lovely (and brought me some home-made lemon curd, which was delicious) and Bob and the children came along too (no music school) and did a few bits of work but didn’t make the planned trip to the park as the weather was not good. In the evening we went to the pantomime – Aladdin – amateur but fun 🙂

On Sunday M went off to church with the usual friends, but the rest of us stayed at home, as we were expecting a visit from old friends. Had a lovely time with them, chatting and playing, but not nearly for long enough…

Monday was a rescue day for Sarah; she came with her two little boys and we played with them while she got on with an essay 🙂 L’s gymnastics had already started up so that kept her busy for some of the afternoon, while the boys watched various Christmas lectures. Over the course of the holiday season we’ve worked our way through this year’s and also a couple of sets we have on DVD – number mysteries and food. It was also the day I found out that Grandad was very ill and made plans to rush over and see him on the Tuesday.

Tuesday 5th was officially the first day of term, but violin hadn’t yet started so we had a day at home until it was time for the boys to go to gymnastics. I should have been going to see Grandad, but he died sometime on Monday night, so it was a bit of an odd day really, with all of us trying to carry on as normal but feeling sad, and me feeling terribly guilty 🙁

Wednesday was a snow day – neither Latinetc nor a proposed trip to London happened, but we did make it to K’s cello and A’s baby music 🙂
We expected a quiet Tots on Thursday, but actually lots of families turned up, so it was a busy session, which was nice after the quiet of the holidays. Friday should have been a recorders session at Gina’s, but we decided we (I!) didn’t have the energy to face the snow and stayed at home instead, doing a few more normals and a bit more sitting down type work. A nature walk happened some time this week, too, with resulting watercolour sketches and paintings 🙂

Saturday 9th was the first Music School of the new term, while I was doing a sling morning. Bob and the children came and picked me up and we walked to the park together then went and had a look in a lovely toy shop owned by a family we know through HE. The children spent their first pocket money of the year and L spotted a toy she wants to save up for, which led to some good discussions about putting money aside each week and how long it would take to get to the desired sum 😉

10th – 15th was the usual round of Gymnastics, Beavers, Cubs, violin (but no cello), Baby Music and Tots, with added Latinetc (microbiology – putting samples onto agar plates to see what would grow; my airing cupboard now has some very unsavoury looking brown/beige/yellow splodges fortunately well taped into closed containers) and CHEF sports. Oh and the extra excitement of a reporter at Tots and sports, getting some idea of a day in the life of the other K.
16th should have been shop for me and music school for children, but everything changed for various reasons, so we ended up losing a day and having to pack for CP in a bit of a hurry. Sunday was spent very happily between church and dancing – a new dancing club for children interested in Molly/ceilidh and so on.

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