Cubs Challenge Saturday and a quiet Sunday

Having been leapfrogged to early investiture specially, M was able to take part in the Cubs Challenge Day 🙂 Details are somewhat sketchy, but apparently the day was brilliant, both M and J liked canoeing best and they both also did woodwork (and brought home a stool to prove it), orienteering, pioneering (lashing bits of wood together, mostly, afaics), rock (wall) climbing, and quite possibly something else which I’ve forgotten… It was cool, anyway, or to quote M “Very good, very, very good!” 😀

Meanwhile K and L went to Music School and Bob and A read stories, and I had a bath, all by myself 🙂 Then we went to look at a car and put down a deposit on a 2004 Perodua Kelisa which I’ve yet to try but Bob reckons feels rather like our old Mini. We just need to juggle money, sort insurance and arrange collecting it and then Bob has the means to get to work next week 😉

Sunday was a restful day. M went to the Catholic church with friends, we made it to the Sunday Farmers Market we always seem to miss and we spent the afternoon pootling and baking. Just what we needed, I think.

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