Tots etc

Another Wednesday minus a Latinetc meet 🙁 RI lectures are good, but just not quite reliably good enough to be worth the time and money for us, especially as we have to factor in not only how much it costs us to get there but also how many things already paid for we have to miss 🙁 I’m always deeply regretful at missing out though and haven’t dared tell the children that they are even a possibility 😉

We did another notLatinetc instead, which worked well. Gina’s Geography book again, this time with a piece of work about jobs, thinking about different jobs (useful vocab for M) and where you might do them (city or village) and then a piece of writing which also encompassed describing people (not sure how that is geography, but it’s useful all the same!) differentiated by provision of more or less guidance 🙂

French should have happened but didn’t 🙁 Recorders did though, thanks to a well-timed nap from S 🙂 Maths happened too, although not as much as we’d hoped. It looks as though we may be developing a new plan of attack, of doing lots of short bursts of things together, so that French, Music Theory and possibly also Latin start to happen more often in small groups (or at home) and then come together for bigger group sessions when we can. Some bits of Maths might fit in there too. I’m conscious that we don’t want to de-school M entirely (since he has to go back in a few months time!) and that J needs to get used to being more structured and possibly also more bitty in work ready for school in France – in the past we have tended to find ourselves blitzing one subject at a time, but it may be time to balance that a bit more, even if we only do tiny amounts in an ongoing way and still blitz those things which catch our interest… I think M is struggling at times just to work out what we are doing and that must be a bit disorientating for him. I don’t want to end up with a rigid timetable but it might help to have things planned out a bit more obviously.

Wednesday afternoon was cello and Baby Music, which L seems suddenly to be too old for – perhaps now that she is doing the Saturday Music School she has made the jump away from the littlies class. M did maths until he ran out of easy bits, a spelling worksheet and some Draw Write Now while J, having managed to lose the maths from the morning, did some work from a maths book he found in the car, fortunately at about the right level. Once home I went over the harder maths bits with M while J did piano and then they all pootled, did piano, violin etc and let me get tidied up ready for an evening lesson with a new pupil. No Cubs because there’s a challenge day on Saturday 🙂 so tea was less rushed than a usual Wednesday, but my pupil arrived early so I didn’t get to eat until after the children had gone to bed. The lesson was fun to do, so I’m hoping they’ll book again, but I’m waiting for mum to look at her diary and get back to me with suggestions for when, as Wed evening is not normally ideal for them, I think.

Today was our usual Thursday Tots and Nots, with Philosophy Club restarting. M decided he would like to give it a try, but in the first (younger) group – officially the right one for him by age in any case, but J and J chose to go to the older one, which worked for us as younger siblings were in the younger one 😉 L also tried it for the first time and all three seem to have enjoyed themselves. J was less enthusiastic, although I think it was better than he’d expected, given that he hadn’t particularly wanted to do it. I’m going to see if I can find time to talk to him about it in the next day or two, because there doesn’t seem much point in him doing something he doesn’t want to do, especially as discussing issues isn’t a problem for him. Somewhere around Philosophy and Tots we also managed to fit in piano lessons, French, recorders, poetry reading (just J and J this time, thinking about how to put expression into a poem when reading it out loud), maths for J, J and M (using a CiMT lesson plan), Draw Write Now, English (although L managed to escape 😕 ) and a fair bit of playing, plus craft for the littlies; A made a couple of lovely leaf pictures, very well-glued 😆 It was a long day though (we out-stayed our time at Castle Street somewhat!) and by the time we got back I needed a sit-down and a cup of tea, while the children ran round the field to let off a bit of steam. Bob got in soon after we did, so I sent him out as well to gain myself a little more time 😉

Priority for tomorrow is violin – we missed lessons this week thanks to Kentwell and seem to have missed a few days of practice too. It’s the first MEACHE meet though, so I’m not sure how much time we’ll have…

2 thoughts on “Tots etc”

  1. Philosophy club sounds awesome – what sort of stuff do they do/discuss? Actually it all sounds rather cool, so much music 🙂

  2. Apparently they spend most of the time thinking about what makes a philosophical question (as opposed to just a question) then they choose one and discuss it. Books and pictures are often used to spark ideas. K loves it (he did it last term too) and L seems to be loving it so far. J is not quite so sure; I think he finds it frustrating at times.

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