Saturday – over to Bob!

Saturday morning was my first session in charge of the shop where I occasionally do sling sessions. I have no key as yet so they owner still had to come and let me in, which meant he was able to quickly go over useful things like how to turn the burglar alarm off, but then I was on my own. It was a fairly busy morning, with several ladies coming in for maternity wear, lots of clothes being tried on, small children playing happily while their parents browsed… all quite chilled really 🙂 I managed to do some sling tweaking for a couple of mums who had already bought ring slings but were struggling to get them as comfy as they’d hoped and talk another lady through cloth nappy options. Only problem was working out how much of each ticket number was the code for the till only the first 2 numbers in most cases, but sometimes it seemed to be 3 and most tickets had 6 but only 2 or 3 would work – hope I didn’t mess anything up by doing 2 when it should have been 3!

Meanwhile Bob took the children to Stourbridge Fair, although they got there far too early and ended up spending over an hour at a playground the stewards pointed them towards. I’ll let him blog that 😉

Afternoon was mostly pootling, with occasional music practice and then we made spring rolls which was fun, if a little messy (it took a while to convince the children that less filling was better and that the edges had to be tucked in, so we had a few exploded rolls in the pan to start with!