Catching up with life

or vice versa 😕

Wednesday was a day with nothing planned apart from Gymnastics and Cubs. We could have been doing Drama, which I know the boys would have loved, but I decided at the beginning of a new term of it that it was too far to travel really and that free time is more valuable to us just now. Besides which, this term we’d have had to miss as many as we made, which is silly. Still, I know a few people were away this week so we could probably have gatecrashed and I did consider it, but we were all too tired to bother really, and then a courier arrived with this which is supposed to be the children’s Christmas present but looked so good we started it straight away 😀 It’s good, but not quite as great as I’d hoped from all I’ve heard about it, tbh. I suspect there could be a lot of play value in it as the children get the hang of it – and more if we find someone else who also has a set and put them together some time 😉
We had to pop out to pick up a parcel and some bits for lunch so did that while I had the energy, but by lunchtime I was feeling decidedly ropy, so when A slept I dozed in front of Wimbledon, while J, K and L flitted about and amused themselves 🙂 We got to Gymnastics on time, although I’m not quite sure how as J was still hunting for his Cubs uniform 5 minutes after we would normally have left the house. The boys looked to be having a good time, while L and A pottered and munched (A works her way through vast quantities of fruit each time the boys are at the gym 😆 ) and L played on Cooking Mama 2 and chatted to the older girls waiting for their gymnastics session. Then we dashed back home to eat a superfast tea, but not quite fast enough (stir fry, with rice pudding which we left for later as we ran out of time) and set off at about the time we should have been arriving at Cubs. It was only a Rounders session, though, so not a problem, and K, L, A and I stayed to watch and play in the (school) playground rather than trying to get home and back again in the time left. J hit the ball a couple of times, I was relieved to see 🙂 and seemed to be enjoying himself even though it was the first time he has ever played a proper game of rounders (we’ve tried at home, but it’s tricky with so few people and such a large proportion of them tiny!), but I spent the time getting progressively more bunged up and sneezy 🙁
Came home and ate rice pudding (yum!) then managed to get children to bed eventually, swallowed anti-histamines in an attempt to convince myself I only had hayfever and got myself to bed too.

On Thursday I would happily have stayed in bed, and I think the children would have been fine with that too, but we had to get to Tots because the father of one our toddlers worked on the Phoenix lander mission and was coming in specially to give us a talk 🙂 I took Lemsip and antihistamines to cover all bases and get us there 😉 The A14 was slow and then the car cut out in a scary (and horribly familiar) way, but fortunately recovered itself and got us there safely.
Once we got there the children were happy and apparently the talk was good (and they did some cool craft too) but I had to stay in the hall in case any other families arrived so missed it 🙁 and gradually felt worse and worse as the morning wore on and the drugs wore off 🙁 Drove home in a bit of a blur and realised halfway that I probably wasn’t safe to drive, but no option really…
Got home and took A straight to bed, where we both slept. J was a star and kept the others occupied for me, then helped me get tea (pasta and jar – very easy option 😉 ) and they all got themselves ready for bed, then we snuggled in the big bed together until they were each sleepy enough to go to their own bed. Bob got back about 11, I think.

On Friday we had planned to go for a walk and a picnic with Emma and her boys, but just as I was thinking I should phone and cancel she phoned me to say one of the boys was ill so they needed to cancel anyway. So we had another lazy day – we tidied the children’s room so that we could hoover it and then they used the big empty space thus created to build Megafort structures 🙂 While I dozed 😀 In the afternoon J tried out a new PC game while K and L played and A and I dozed 🙂 And sneezed. And blew my nose.
We had expected to see Big Alice (with the invalid tent) but put her off because I really didn’t feel like seeing anyone (hope she wasn’t offended) so when Bob got home I ran myself a nice hot bath in an attempt to unbung my ears and nose a little (didn’t work, but the children were thrilled to have a nice deep bath to play in after I got out) while he cooked tea for children, then we had takeaway curry (another attempt, which worked a little) once the older three were in bed. A was still very much around, though, so we had to pay the baby tithe 😆

On Saturday I had hoped to get to slingmeet but decided against it, in hopes that a quiet morning would mean enough energy for a party in the evening. Bob took J and K to their first astronomy club meeting, which they loved, and L, A and I pottered – and built a Mega Castle 🙂 Then when Bob got back I went back to bed – sensing a theme here? It worked though, and I had enough energy to enjoy the party when it came around 🙂 It was a big joint affair, beginning at 4 with children’s stuff, then morphing via food into a more grown-up party, with very cool live music 😀 I got to cuddle several babes of various sizes, including slinging a couple and demoing wrapping (then lending a wrap 🙂 ) while the children also had a good time and Bob enjoyed newborn cuddles – one of his favourite things 🙂 I faded out a bit in the middle, but rallied and then my second big fade coincided with Bob’s realisation of how late it was so we made our departures – thanks Gina and Dave – we had lots of fun 😀

Today Bob took A, K and J to church, while L and I stayed at home (which meant L got computer time and I got to doze again) but then J decided he was so tired he couldn’t make it all the way home on foot, so I had to throw clothes on and go and pick them up in the car. Quick lunch, then the children watched Flubber while Bob pottered and I alternated pottering and reading – yay! I must be feeling better to have enough energy to read!

Hopefully tomorrow I might be able to make it through a whole day without dozing…

2 thoughts on “Catching up with life”

  1. I was looking at the this the other day, wondering about school holiday club. But there didn’t seem to be all that many pieces in there for the money they are still asking for it.

    Hope you are feeling better tomorrow.

  2. Sorry to hear you’ve been ill – sounds like J was a real star taking care of you though. The fort thing looks fun – I know someone with one, but unfortunately a bit far away for you to meet up with to pool foamy resources! I do remember she thought it was better if you added bigger sheets/silks to it, if that’s any help. Can’t wait to see you soon, hope you’re feeling lots better, love Rebecca xxx

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