This post has nothing Tudor or peacock-related apart from the title

Ooo ‘eck long time no proper blog. This is a v. quick recap of what we’ve been doing (which will probably turn into a long rambling waffle knowing me).

We have finally bought the children a joint DS Lite – thanks to the givers of birthday present money a very long time ago. It’s pink (minor squabble in the shop) and so far it hasn’t been dropped or the source of too many arguments. It’s also a new motivational tool – another go on it once you’ve done your maths. Yes, we’re mean nasty parents bwa ha haa!

We’ve been trying out a new to us / family heirloom tent from the Beans (photos soon on Flickr). We’ve been reunited with the camera we left in London, so some old photos should go up on Flickr soon. This was via a nice visit from the Frabjous Days posse, so we got to see how much X had grown and Katy introduced his mum to the ways of wraps (slings, not Mexican food). K has written an excellent story via dictation which may turn up on here soon.

Two piano-playing colleagues spent several hours learning how to tune a piano by having a go at ours. One of them (Rick) bought all the tools a while ago, and he and his able assistant Steve did an excellent job despite an occasional child audience. The middle 3 and a half octaves are tuned a semi-tone flat (rather than randomly tuned around an average of a tone flat), the lower notes they didn’t get to aren’t too bad, but the high notes still induce brain failure in people with perfect pitch. It sounds a lot better to practice on.

A is getting more of a little person, but also has learned how to screech loudly :(. This is getting long and I have photo-twiddling to do so I shall stop.

UPDATED: I forgot to mention that last night J cooked us tea. He and L played mud pies with soss-mix, then fried them, grilled some potato cakes, scrambled some eggs and chopped up cucumber and pepper. Katy had to help him overcome his fear of spitting hot oil (which was out of proportion), and give him tips on what to do and when, but I think it’s fair to say that he prepared the meal.

1 thought on “This post has nothing Tudor or peacock-related apart from the title”

  1. ooh, will look at photos for memory lane. it was a much loved tent for 10 years, but if it isn’t big enough for you, or doesn’t suit, do tell me, i won’t cry too much!!

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