Fun with frozen food

Or rather with frozen food packaging 🙂

I won a hamper of organic frozen baby meals the other day (bit of a shock, as I don’t usually seem to win anything!) and it arrived today: Photobucket

We were intrigued by the warning and the little bags inside… Photobucket

Since we had no cream, J and I made some custard:Photobucket

added some raspberries: Photobucket

and then poured in the crushed dry ice: Photobucket

It was rather impressive!

Slightly spookily we could hear and see it bubbling Photobucket

Sadly we didn’t have quite enough dry ice to make it properly freeze, so we’ve had to put it into a tub to finish off in the freezer 🙁 I was tempted to use the fire extinguisher (apparently they use food grade CO2 in them in case of kitchen fires) but thought that might be a bit drastic 😆

Raspberry ice-cream for tea 😀

4 thoughts on “Fun with frozen food”

  1. giggle, used to love throwing DriKold into a sink gull of soapy water when I worked in the lab…. great stuff!

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