Oh dear…

J has got hold of a catalogue and now he’s going through it and asking the others which things they would like so they can all make their Christmas lists.
J: “Do you want personalised name labels?”
K: “Err, no thank you.”
J: “Are you sure? If you did get a DS you could put your name on it then everyone would know it was yours!”
K: “Oh, okay then, yes please.”
J: “Iron-on or sticky?”
K: “What’s iron-on?”
J: “You’d better go for sticky, because you don’t want to iron your DS.”
Pause as J writes in catalogue.
J: “Ooh, a coin sorter. That could be useful!”
L: “Can I have a coin sorter as well please?”
J: “Okay, what colour? I’m having a green one.”
and so on…
Every so often K says, “I’ve got loads of presents now, haven’t I?” and J warns him, “Well, you might not get all of them, you know.” to which K responds, “Oh, but look, they’re all on my list! See – DS Lite, Cars game…”

I fear there may be some sad disappointed little children in this house on Christmas Day!

2 thoughts on “Oh dear…”

  1. Giggle at the name labels!

    I’ve not been brave enough to do the Christmas list thing here. She does ask throughout the year “can I have … for Christmas” but regardless of if I think she will or not I say “we’ll see” cos I’m mean…..

  2. I also laughed at the name labels. Mine ask if I can put things on their Christmas list to which I always say yes, they also ask for all sorts of inappropriate things.

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