Monday Monday…

CHEF sports today πŸ™‚
Shame we didn’t get there until halfway through, thanks to hideous traffic on the A14 πŸ™ Should have gone the other way, but it looked clear right up until we hit the queues…

Anyway, we still managed to chat about plans for Latin etc and L enjoyed playing with SB and E, then we went to the park with Gina, E and J for a bit more chat (adults) and running around (children) πŸ™‚

By the time we got back here L was sound asleep, to the extent that I transferred her from car to bed without waking her 😯 and she had a good forty winks while the boys pootled and we got lunch ready (leftovers from yesterday πŸ˜‰ ).

J decided he wanted to make a cake for Bob and me, and we happened to have a Victoria sponge complete kit (just add eggs and butter; even jam included) I bought last time he said that so I pointed him in the right direction and let him get on with it πŸ™‚ All I did was to put it in the hot oven and take it out when he told me the time was up. We haven’t tasted it yet, but it looks great – it’s even iced and decorated with “Best M and D” πŸ˜†

While he was busy cake making I made up some cheese straw dough, because they all went yesterday and the children felt cheated πŸ˜† then while the cake was cooking J made cheesy letters – he’s learning to multitask! Meanwhile K did maths (slow because the current exercises have lots of reading to do too) and L did poissonrouge.

I had a chat with the children this morning about Melrose and they decided they want to go so much that they are willing to have token Christmas presents so that we can afford it, so a quick chat with Bob later the form and bank transfer were winging their way πŸ˜€ Now we just need to plan a journey in easy stages to make it bearable πŸ˜• Still wondering if it should be just the children and me to preserve some of Bob’s holiday, but I’m not sure I wouldn’t just hide away all the time then 😳

4 thoughts on “Monday Monday…”

  1. Bob’s phone call made my day πŸ˜€ So glad you changed your mind.
    And you know you can break your journey in Sheffield.
    And hiding is allowed. Assuming of course you will be in charge of the ‘pick up your socks’ game for Chris F’s birthday on the first night…

  2. no hiding! we will prob break journey back at my aunts house in yorkshire this year, and thank goodness not racing around the countryside [no offence kirsty and t-bird, as we did want to go to all the events!] not sure about on way up.
    wow, melrose really filling up!
    chris took nice photo at sports which is now on flickr. Gina might like it too!
    looking forward to latin

  3. ‘ it looked clear right up until we hit the queuesÒ€¦’

    Umm, isn’t that sort of the way with traffic queues….

    You really should know the ‘never ever go on the A14 unless you have to rule’ πŸ˜‰

    And how many smilies in one post…?

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