I’m digging it round cos I don’t want it square

Bernard Cribbins – genius.

When we had the soakaways put in they dug up a lot of earth to put in the pipes and so on, and not much of it went back in again, so we have two large piles of earth cunningly dumped by the builders to breach the damp-proof course and also reduce the amount of parking we have. Katy had the bright idea of killing two birds with one stone, and dump it all in trugs (big plastic bucket things) and grow things in them. We’ve got some on order from a shop on eBay, so tomorrow night’s job is being a navvy, but we also got one each for the older three to definitely have as theirs and of course they had to help fill them with earth. They do each have a little trowel and fork but these are all in a random box and so they were trying to use my shovel and spade, which caused fewer accidents than I expected!

We finally submitted the report to the LA about J, and they also know about K now so we had to fill out their standard and slightly irritating form. Flickr to the rescue – we bombarded them with lots of printed out photos. Thanks Michelle for your help.

At the weekend I took J to his last mini-football session of the term in his new groovy trainers, and K and L tagged along too. Afterwards I took them to the Zoology museum as they were having a special day about forests which was good, and I had to drag them away from making butterflies and snakes (things stuck on paper) to get some lunch.

Multi-purpose title to this post because I had a random thought in the shower today. The excellent Kids in America by Kim Wilde has the line “Everybody live for the music-go-round”. I think that with the arrival of iPods based on flash drives rather than hard disks, music won’t go round any more. Hard disks, CDs, tapes, records, reel-to-reel – all recorded music that I could think of always went round when you played it. Now it just goes click.

Finally, two videos that should make you smile: 1, 2
Oh, and I don’t think Jesus needed additives, but it looks fun.

2 thoughts on “I’m digging it round cos I don’t want it square”

  1. Loved the first two videos, very clever! Must have taken so long to make, and the baby didn’t seem to bat an eyelid!

  2. Well done on getting the report done and sent off.

    Re: the earth, you should have a working party and task us all with filling a trug each.

    The videos are very funny. Where do you find the time to find these – loved the blender ones posted before too.

    And you’ve cost me with the Bernard Cribbins link. Family members will sometimes burst out into song with both those songs that they have on vinyl. So I’ve ordered a CD.

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