Discovering things

Yesterday the children who can speak were finding out about bees, and when I came home from work I was treated to a slightly random recap of it all :). Also Katy and I discovered that Tim Tams are even better than Penguins for sucking hot chocolate through. If you try this at home, don’t forget two handy hints:

  1. Nibble the chocolate off the ends to expose the biscuit.
  2. Bale out earlier than you think – when it starts to get too soggy to stay together it’s definitely too soggy to stand being tilted up to be gobbled up.

Apparently this is known as a Tim Tam Slam, and you can vary it by nibbling off just opposing corners. If you’re unable to compare the two kinds of biscuit yourself, someone has already done that for you.

There’s a nice supermarket-based video from Travis, which reminds me of the bit in Shawshank Redemption where Andy Dufresne locks himself into the office that contains the microphone for the PA system, and plays a bit of opera or something which the inmates are all transported by until the Warden breaks down the office door and stops the beautiful music. Apparently the mystery guest in the video is a big fan of Travis.

We’ve also rediscovered the boys’ ears as they have finally allowed Katy to cut their hair. K said he was going to have it done when sheep were sheared, but that wasn’t going to be until June or so! Katy did her usual excellent job – I’d be terrified of doing it myself. Also K took some nice photos around the garden. Digital cameras are great – instant feedback, and once you’ve bought the camera, computer etc, the cost per photo is practically zero.

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