6 weird things about me


Each player of this game starts with the ’six weird things about you’ blog post. People who get tagged need to write their own six weird things post and state the rules clearly. At the end of the post tag six more people and don’t forget to leave a comment on their blog to tell them they have been tagged and tell them to read your blog.

It’s hard to step outside yourself and to think what the majority of people would think weird, as I’m fairly used to myself!

  1. I go to church – I believe in God and the Big Bang.
  2. I barely drink, in fact it’s usually easier to say I don’t drink at all. I don’t like the taste of beer, wine, cider or most spirits, and even the stuff I do like is nice for a sip or two and then fairly quickly becomes a chore rather than a pleasure. I’m long passed the stage of having to fit in, so why force myself to do something I don’t like? I do, however, like chocolate.
  3. I (help my wife to) home educate. Katy does the lion’s share, much better than I would.
  4. I can remember the registration number of the car my mum had when I was at school (XAR 636S) but can’t remember the things that Katy asked me to do earlier in the day. (This might be just laziness and/or being male.)
  5. I’m allergic to some general anaesthetics.
  6. My favourite word is cran.

People I’m burdening: Katy, Elizabeth, Dave H, and three people who don’t exist.

4 thoughts on “6 weird things about me”

  1. I can remember the number plates of every car my parents or I have had. Is that weird? I can also remember the phone numbers of most of the people in my church youth group when I was 16. Hmmn, maybe it is.

  2. I can still remember the number plate of my parents car when I was about 10. So maybe thats not that weird after all. I also know my parents co-op divi number (for those not in the Ipswich area here you have a number you tell the cashier in the co-op then you get dividend on what you buy which sits in an account until you want it, this really confused me when I moved to a different area, with a co-op, and the woman looked at me like I was mad when I reeled off the number to her) I tried to get my own divi account but couldn’t remember the number no matter how much I tried!

    sorry turned into a bit of a rambly comment.

  3. RJO 33P was the first car we owned (I was 17, my mum was 40 – I beat her to getting my license). But I have to look out the window to know the current one.

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