Christmas 3 things thing

As tagged by Ali and Natty Em – are you trying to tell us something? I almost said “Bah! Humbug!” but then thought that would be rude, so here it is.

Name three things that

That you had hanging on your tree

  1. Plain white lights
  2. Shell stars from Oxfam a long time ago
  3. Bright red baubles

That you’ve eaten / drunk lots of

  1. Mince pies
  2. Roast potatoes and parsnips
  3. Shloer

That you didn’t do this year but hope to do next year

  1. Get to a panto
  2. Visit friends in France
  3. Throw snowballs

Favourite presents

  1. Lie-ins
  2. Some books from the children, including the excellent Why Don’t Penguins’ Feet Freeze?
  3. Seeing the children open and put on their fancy dress costumes

That you’re glad you didn’t get for Christmas

  1. A call from work (I had one on Christmas Eve one year)
  2. An inflatable life-raft – we’d have nowhere to put it
  3. Tights for the larger lady

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