
I spent much of last night either feeling or being sick 🙁
No-one else has caught it so far, but I felt so lousy today that Bob (who managed to sleep through all my vomiting – I guess that’s a bonus of having a downstairs bathroom!) very kindly took the morning off to do childcare and look after me. We cried off reading morning and he managed to get the boys to do some Maths, English and SOTW instead, as well as making some get well cards for me 🙂 they all walked to the corner shop to get some Coke (only time I ever drink it is when I’m ill) and J came back with presents he bought for me with his own pocket money – I was really touched (especially as I was pretty horrible yesterday – must have been brewing this bug).
Now they’re all making lunch while I try being vertical for a bit to see if Bob can go back to work this afternoon. So far so good…
I think it will be a lounging on the sofa afternoon for me, with videos and computer for the children. Luckily the weather is good, so I might be able to persuade them to play in the garden for a bit too.

I really hope Chris’ good Samaritan act on Monday hasn’t landed him with the bug too 😕

J’s comment on Bob’s lunch-making skills (toast!): “Daddy, I think you’re a better cook than Tony Blair!” I’d love to know how he knows. 😆

Sports, swings and sick!

CHEF sports today, which the boys always enjoy 🙂 G brought E and J there and then left them with me so they could come back with us to play while she was teaching. E was quiet, but seemed okay and when the boys came out she played quite happily with them. A few families were going to the park afterwards, so we went along too and the boys and L had a great time running round in the woods with SB, M and a few other children, taking it in turns to be bossy and bossed :mrgreen: Meanwhile E was sitting quietly or just snuggling into my arms, apart from a brief spell of playing with L. Then she suddenly started crying, I picked her up – and she threw up! Very neat job, fortunately, avoiding almost all of me and pretty much all of herself. Thank goodness for Bean organisation! I really don’t do sick so it was quite definitely Chris to the rescue, not only producing tissues and wipes but then offering to hold sicky child and clean her up for me – I guess seeing me retch all over the place may have encouraged his offer, but thanks Chris – you’re a star!
Fortunately she looked much better once she’d finished being sick, so I didn’t need to summon G back but instead we went for a gentle ride home in the car (and a snooze for E and L) and then a quiet snuggle on the sofa while the rest of us ate lunch, followed by an hour of Muzzy, which J and E had brought with them. The children enjoyed Muzzy so much that G has now lent it to us for a week, so I expect we’ll be doing lots of French over the next few days 😉
By the time E and J had gone home (still wanted to stay, despite illness, so we must be doing something right lol) the boys were onto computer games (good old BBC Schools 😉 ) and it was fairly obvious that dragging them out shopping was not going to go down well, so the cupboards are still bare and we had pasta and sauce for tea. Could have had pumpkin, I guess….

Stupid stupid stupid!

Saw a lovely baby today 😀

Only thing is, he was sitting on the lap of the passenger in the 4×4 behind us at the traffic lights 😮 Said passenger was also carrying what looked suspiciously like a take-away coffee cup (although to be fair, it might have just been a cold drink 😕 ) which she was holding carefully away from him so that she could take regular sips over his head…

The driver was a young woman and the passenger rather older – looked like mother and daughter plus daughter’s baby – and as we went round the roundabout I could see that there was a little girl in the back who looked about 4 – but I could barely see her as she was so low in the seat; almost certainly no car seat or booster 🙁

Why do it? There was plenty of space for the baby to be in a seat. It didn’t look as though either of the women was wearing a belt either – if that car had crashed they would all have bounced around like peas in very hard pod and I dread to think what would have happened to the children. It makes me so cross!

Slings and pumpkins!

We had to collect a registered post item for Bob, so headed over to the depot wondering what it could possibly be. It turned out to be some Virgin vouchers (£50!) from the work trip he made to America last year, so we’re now planning how to spend them 😀
Then off to church to open up for slingmeet, with a quick detour en route to pick up provisions. Spent a happy couple of hours trying, demonstrating, tweaking and cooing over a variety of different slings and carriers, then in the afternoon we thought the pumpkin fair looked like fun, plus it’s in one of the places where we could possibly afford a larger house, so a useful opportunity for a nose 😉
There was (as I suppose was to be expected lol) an impressive array of pumpkins, including a few contenders for the national pumpkin championships. There was also a fairly stunning collection of vintage cars, tractors and traction engines, as well as a fire engine which the boys were able to inspect from all angles, both inside and out. L was too shy and newly woken-up, so just cuddled Mummy and made eyes at the firemen 😉
The pumpkin decorating competition had some brilliant entries; J had wanted to do one, but we failed to get hold of a pumpkin in time. This was soon remedied when we found the stall (large trailer) selling pumpkins of at least twenty different varieties for silly prices with money donated to charity. We started off with a couple of different ones recommended for cooking/eating and got some decorative ones for the children thrown in for free, then when we were leaving we saw that the stall was still going (and trying hard to get rid of stock) so went back and bought a few more, which the man kindly labelled for us so we now have one good for bread, another for pies, one for soup and another for gnocchi, one for roasting (hazelnut flavour!) and another for roasting :mrgreen: Now I just need to find time to do something with them all, or a safe place to store them – or failing that friends to pass them on to 🙂
The fair ended with a display by the Fenlanders Majorettes, which has now left L with a burning ambition to be a “dancing girl” 😆