Hotch-potch day

We started off cuddled up in bed reading (catching up on) the Story of the World, then came downstairs to do some of the activities. J did some map work, K coloured in a Roman soldier and L decorated a Celtic dragon brooch. Then J chose a sentence or two about Beowulf to do as narration (yay – writing!) and they did some charging around, with the intention of dressing up as Celts (blue eyeshadow for woad and fleece cloaks 😉 ) later – but I was saved from this by a phone call asking if we (either just boys or all of us) would like to go and play with S. Resounding yes from the boys, so we ate lunch and then set off, the idea being to drop boys off and for L and me to do some long-overdue shopping (their house is fairly handy for Waitrose – definitely a good excuse for a spot of luxury lol) but first we were delayed somewhat by L attempting to sort herself out with a poo in the loo and managing to pull half the toilet roll off – would have blocked the toilet except most of it missed… – and then when we got there she asked to go in for a little play and somehow we never left, so still no shopping and the cupboards are nearly bare 😕
I suspect I should have asked for something to eat, or at the very least drink, but natural timidity far too great and no offer made, so when I realised that the suddenly rising noise level from my children (who had been playing really nicely up until then) and my own headache/whooziness/grumpiness were probably due to low blood sugar I gave the children a five minute warning and managed to get them away fairly easily. Fortunately we discovered a bag of Snack-a-Jacks in the car, along with a half-empty bottle of water and those just about got us home…
Unfortunately I am beginning to realise that I will have to be seriously sensible about eating and drinking regularly and once I have started to feel bad this seems to get harder (for example I boiled the kettle but forgot to make the drink – d’oh!), so the afternoon pretty much deteriorated from there 🙁 We were almost at the witching hour already (it can’t be just us who experience this!) and then as I was trying to get tea L did another solo poo on the loo and this time succeeded in blocking the toilet with the other half of the toilet roll, so I had to get J to supervise her in the bath while I unblocked the toilet and finished getting tea (not quite simultaneously!) and then J and I had to try to persuade her to get out of the bath to eat and what with one thing and another I ended up shouting at them all and going out of the front door just to escape for a minute or two 😳 and then came back in, after literally a few seconds, to find J in tears because he thought I had gone out and abandoned them 😳 🙁
Anyway, once L realised tea was actually on the table and was what she had been asking for all afternoon (root vegetable mash, with just a smidge of mince mix to show willing; the boys had it the other way round lol) she got out readily enough and by the time Bob came in I was able to hand over a fairly harmonious tea-table of children and head back to the kitchen – which is when I realised I had never actually made the drink I knew I needed an hour or two ago *sigh*
Hence I am now sitting here, hiding at the PC and letting it all out!
Need to do some serious J-reassurance though, I fear 🙁

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