Back to Normality

Tuesday was a fairly messy, tired, grumpy day, trying to get back to normal after a busy weekend and late nights all round. We seem to have got into a pattern of doing lots of fortnightly activities, which all tend to fall on the same weeks in the month, so it was our only day at home this week, which didn’t really help! Kfish and Afish had a cello lesson moved from Monday (we’d not have bothered but that Kfish has an exam coming up soon) so I took them out to that leaving the others to do normals at home, then we had a clear afternoon until Brownies for Afish. There were tents to dry (heavy fog when taken down leaves them nearly as wet as rain!), sleeping bags to air, shifts to wash and dry and an approved food delivery to put away too, so plenty to keep me busy! I left the bulk of the putting away to Bob, as it was mostly boxes to return to the workshop loft. He’s been busy with work, though, so the house is still littered…

Wednesday was WedEd, which meant a saxophone lesson for L 😀 Em gave him an hour and plenty to be working on, so he’s not short of things to practise 😉 HH did Science sessions based on the nervous system and sense organs, which all concerned seem to have enjoyed a great deal – especially the magic marble which looked like one but felt like two 🙂 We also looked at Degas and did some preparatory discussion and sketches ready for sculpture next time – chicken wire and modroc, so let’s hope the weather stays kind! TheBabs also did a fab session on surds, which I found really helpful, never mind the children 😉 Sadly, I ran out of time to fit in a Jfish and SB French session this time, and Em’s ensemble didn’t happen either (partly my fault; I didn’t realise she was waiting to scoop up recorderists when I whisked them off to do art) – we’ll prioritise that next time to make sure it happens!
Italian and choir for J, K and Lfish, while Afish and L went home and did… I know not what with Bob…

Today we started with more out-of-order History – one of Kate’s fab sessions, which was finishing last term’s theme of the medieval church by talking about the building of cathedrals and ended with small groups planning and building their own cathedrals. I had hoped this might fill Afish’s desperate need to do junk modelling, but apparently not, so I’ll try to fit that in next week, when we actually have some time at home!
We rushed from History to Multisport and then from Multisport to trombone and now I’m sitting outside Afish’s gym blogging as procrastination from service preparation for Sunday, while all the other children are at home doing at least a bare minimum of Maths, English and Music practice. Or quite possibly lying on their beds reading – can’t blame them if they are; it’s where I’d like to be :frog: