another week…

Last week was deliberately kept free, an oasis of calm in a busy summer and a chance to regroup and catch up a bit. This meant that when things came up, as it seems they inevitably do, we were able to fit them in. As well as the trip to London we had friends over for the day, mostly to see 6 before she goes back to France. At Kentwell 6 and E had become the “little greenies” in the wool-shed, with their almost-matching green kirtles and constant chatting and giggling while they spun. Having spent so much time over the last couple of months with Em and her children it’s been a bit odd not to see them for a while, so on Wednesday Em kindly (because I couldn’t face driving this week, after so much to-ing and fro-ing) came over to ours with E and O and we had a lovely relaxed day, mostly spent by the children on the trampoline or in little giggly huddles round the house and by the adults in chatting over cups of tea. Just what we needed!
Also on Wednesday 6 had her last official phone call from En Famille International so that they could see how her English had come on during her stay with us. I think the answer is that her English is not amazing, but immeasurably better than it was when she came. It’s hard to judge though, because when she’s with her friends/our children she talks nineteen to the dozen in totally comprehensible English, including long sentences and phrases, but once she knows an adult is there, and especially when speaking directly to an adult, she struggles and worries about getting it right, or blushes and giggles and loses her words. Confidence is a big part of it, and it’s something we’ve been working on a lot, but I’m cheered to think how naturally it comes to her now to chat with friends in English even if she might not get an A* in her classes at school. The quiet little mouse who came to us at the end of April has almost completely given way to a sparky, bright-eyed, cheeky little monkey, full of mischief and giggles and a real pleasure to have around the house 🙂 I’m very much hoping we’ll be able to borrow her for at least a few weeks a year for the foreseeable future 😀

4 thoughts on “another week…”

  1. It would be lovely (especially letters 😉 ) – we hope to see E this week so will suggest an exchange of contact details 🙂

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