Days off

Friday was a day of much-needed rest 🙂 The car was in for its MOT so we couldn’t have gone out if we’d wanted to and after a busy week and with a busy weekend ahead we didn’t really want to anyway. So we stayed in and did normals, with lots of computer time (mangahigh when tutpup played up) and general pottering. In the afternoon I had a student here so the children obligingly took themselves off to the annexe to make birthday cards, then we had tea and an early night 🙂

On Saturday I had a day off from children, or at least from my own children 😉 It should have been a morning at work while Bob took them to Music School and then we were to have met up for lunch and to go to an afternoon party and then straight from there to C’s swimming party. In the course of the morning, however, the woman who was to have taken over from me in the shop phoned to say that she was ill, so I ended up offering to stay all day and cover her shift, which left Bob on birthday party duty by himself. I suspect I may have got the better end of the bargain, since I got to chat about slings, nappies, maternity clothes, babies and births with old friends and new customers, while he got to organise children into party mode, chat to old friends whilst keeping an eye on children high on chocolate and sugar and then round them all up again to come and collect me for the swimming party.

Swimming party was great (many thanks to Michelle and Marcus for having us, and happy birthday again to C 🙂 ) and it was lovely to see so many friends and have the chance to stay and chat for a while (rather longer than intended, actually) even if it did make us late back (rather later than intended). A few memorable moments include watching Bob trying (and failing) to get onto the floating obstacle course to help Small, A waiting patiently for her turn on said floating obstacle course, which she was sure would come if she just followed somebody onto the floats, and the oldest Rainedrop standing shivering under the shower, complaining that it was freezing and that wasn’t fair as ours were all warm. “Well, it does have a sign saying “Cold Shower”!” said at least two of the other girls (proving HE children can read 😉 ) and SB gleefully offered to swap as she prefers cold showers, apparently…

Sooo, Saturday ended far too late and Sunday started far too early, for me at least. I left the house at 8 to get to a Baby Show by 8:30 where I was to help Lisa on a sling stand, leaving Bob to take the children to church, supervise music practice and generally child-wrangle. A was very upset at my going (two days in a row without Mummy is just too much, it seems) and I had to get Bob up to look after her, which I suspect had not been part of his plan. The show was fun, though, and it was lovely to work with all my favourite slings and to feel free to suggest other things as well, as Lisa has no qualms about sending people off to buy second-hand or from somebody else if that’s what will work for them. My weighted doll’s leg, mended with elastic bands, stayed on 🙂 and although we didn’t make many sales at the time there were several people who wanted things in different colourways and will hopefully order online in the next few days. If nothing else at least lots of people got to see, touch and try slings they might not have thought of using 😉

What the children did Bob will have to blog…

1 thought on “Days off”

  1. Thank you so much for coming along – and for coming back to the house afterwards (with the caramel bake!). Was lovely having you all and glad all seem to enjoy.

    Hadn’t heard the cold shower story :-).

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