Indecisive? Us?

So….. 27/28th September looks better for some people; 4th/5th October for others (possibly more?). We don’t mind, but we’d like to see as many people as possible and have as much fun as possible, so we’re going to do it twice! We have floor/bed/tent space available, as ever, and no set plans for either weekend (or, indeed, the Fridays before and Mondays after afaik) so you’re welcome to come early and/or stay late – but please bear in mind that that may involve helping out with getting ready or clearing away 😉 If you want to come to both and stay for the week in between, I’m sure that could also be arranged – and our children would be overjoyed! 😀
Messy activities welcome – and we have a distinct lack of paddling pools, baby baths, cement mixing trays and other suitable containers so those would also be welcome. We do, however, have a football table 😉
Food, drink and similar contributions also welcome 😀

5 thoughts on “Indecisive? Us?”

  1. Where abouts do you actually live? These things are always useful to know when trying to convince my hubby that another weekend away would be a good thing! Also how much tent space do you have? I now have a big Vermont XL for us all but its 8m x 5m – so PRETTY big. Easy to put up and all, but… I am talking out loud here though and haven’t mentioned anything to Paul yet as we are down South the W/e of the 4th, so he might not be up for it – depends on churchy stuff too…

  2. Nowhere near that much space I’m afraid 😆 We have a tent we can put up to make extra space (once garden mess tidied away a bit) if needed, or a bit of garden which could be used ditto. There are a couple of campsites just down the road…
    We live on the western side of East Anglia 🙂

  3. seems we can’t come anyway Katy – sorry. It’s ‘back to church’ weekend (we’re piloting it for Elim) and P is pretty tied up. Plus we have a couple of kids parties I had forgotten about. Ho-Hum – have fun 🙂

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