27/28 September

but we’re not looking hopeful for being organised enough to send emails out 😳 so best to keep checking for details. Rooms/beds/floor/tentspace available if needed – just shout. Contributions of food and (fun) mess welcome 😀 Bring your own watersquirters and lots of spare clothing and towels!

5 thoughts on “27/28 September”

  1. I think we are technically free on the Sunday although we can’t get out of Saturday arrangements. So our plan is to join you for the day on Sunday. If Ady is up to driving both ways and the children are up to being out in public after a full day and late night on the Saturday.

    You will notice that none of that is dependent on me so I may well be there alone 😉

  2. Oh dear – we chose 27th thinking you could make it, Elizabeth 🙁

    Hope to see you then Nic – and others will be a bonus 😉

  3. Argh, Ady got his dates wrong. our arrangements are for 28th rather than 27th and as they are for a full on day I think making plans for a busy Saturday would be a mistake.
    So sorry -both to miss the day and to be all rubbish about whether we are free or not 🙁

  4. Ohhhhhh!
    Since claiming that 27th was free, I got confirmation through for a home ed conference (for Catholic Londoners, so right up my street) that was just pencilled in originally, and also an invitation for a birthday party for O & M.

    Fancy a meet-up at a museum some time instead?

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