
J asked me to cut his fringe. I agreed and sent him to get the hairdressing scissors. He disappeared upstairs for ages while I waited. Turns out he was having a go at doing his own hair :slap:

While he was proudly showing me his handiwork, bald spots and all 🙄 he left the scissors in the sink, where L found them and decided to play at sleepover parties. What do girls do at sleepover parties, she asked herself? Oh yes! They do their hair – so she did 🙁 J found her there when he went up to get the scissors so I could rescue his hair – “don’t worry though Mummy – she’s only done a little bit of cutting!” :wall:

So I’ve just spent the last half hour giving J effectively an army cut (to get it in proportion enough with the bald spots to not look stupid) but without actually shaving it, as he prefers long hair (so err… no, I won’t ask!), then shedding a few little tears as I bobbed L’s beautiful locks and finally trimming K’s fringe so he doesn’t feel left out!

Poor L. I don’t think she had twigged at all that cutting is permanent. Only this morning she was saying she can’t wait for her hair to get long enough to sit on (it was waistband length in ringlets, longer pulled straight) and as I was trying to decide what to do to rescue it she was sobbing and asking if we could get someone else’s hair to add on to the short bits to make it all long again. In the end I had to bob it, because she had cut most of one side and some of the underneath at the back to that length already. All the curl has gone now though 🙁 and most of the blonde 😥 plus her hair is really thick (each hair is thin but there are a lot of them) and doesn’t really suit a bob but she is desperate to grow it long again so we thought all one length would be easiest. All one length, that is, apart from the fringe, which is non-existent, as she copied her big brother and trimmed that up to the hairline 😯 Her suggestion, once she realised it would have to be cut short to match and would take ages to grow back? “Mummy, please can we not go anywhere for three weeks?”

Waaah! All those lovely blonde ringlets have gone and what’s left looks suspiciously like my hair, in which case it will never be curly again 😥

12 thoughts on “Hair”

  1. Oh Katy 🙁 Most of them do it at one point or another. Ernest didn’t, but the girls did, and Gwenny did it 3 times before she finally learnt not to. Jan and Barbara and Sarah all have photos of scalped girls.

    Don’t suppose that makes you feel any better right now though. Hugs for the loss of the curls.

  2. oh hugs – I would be traumatised. Clo’s hair didn’t get cut for years as I had a feeling that she was like Samson and only strong while she had hair, and if it were cut she would die. Daft thoughts!

    My friend’s son (5) cut his sister’s hair (3) whilst Daddy was meant to be in charge (he got in BIG trouble!) It was so patchily short that the hairdresser was saying you could pull the longer lengths around and over and pin to hide the scalp areas but in the end it was hopeless and it was a number 2 clipper all over. Tomboy Emily in her brother’s hand-me-downs suddenly wore an awful lot of pink and skirts and dresses 🙂 It’s a bit longer now and she can wear girly clips in it.

  3. Oh dear, no wonder you’re upset! Mine have never had a go themselves, but I did as a child — and got banned from using scissors for a year!

  4. oh yes, empathy from here 🙁

    Abbie did it twice. Once was bad enough, and as it was just growing back she did it again – the second time it ended up looking like this, which was just awful. At least it does grow back, albeit without quite as many curls.

  5. I cried when M cut her beautiful blonde locks. It’s long and lovely again now, but not as blonde, though of course it may not have been anyway. And C spent ages with dodgy hairstyles following at least two self-haircuts. I’m still not 100% sure C won’t do it again sometime…

  6. I’ve always expected S to have a go at hers as she’s tried most other toddler escapades, but aside from a very cautious snip near the front once – that only I would ever have noticed – she’s not done so. I think she’s saving it all up for when she’s about 11 and has the whole lot dyed black or shaved off!

    Hugs for L’s though XXX

  7. My brother cut off all my ringlets when I was about 3–my mom just cried! Then I tried to trim my fringe when I was about 14–my mom gave me a week off school! Not that it mattered-I was oviously a slow learner!

    Hugs for the loss of curls and hope it grows back quickly!

  8. hugs, mine haven’t yet, but i am fairly certain BB will do it one day.
    shall i leave camera at home tomorrow?

  9. Awww Katy 🙁
    Yes, Beth has at least twice, but doesn’t sound like it was quite as dramatic as L. Once was a complete fringe job, having just spent 2 years growing out. I was mortified (as was she) but she didn’t touch the back iirc. The other was just a tuft at the top that spent a few weeks sticking up until it grew long enough to lie back down at which point you couldn’t really tell any more.
    Rachael not yet and I suspect may not, but time will tell…

  10. Hmm, is this attachment to the curls some sort of girly thing then? since I can’t seem to think it would bother me.

    But I think it needs a group photo 🙂

  11. I have to report that Katy did a v good job of hiding the evidence. J in particular has a creditable haircut – albeit with invisible fringe!
    I am sure we will all get used to a bobbed L in time!

  12. Chris, you’re just hardhearted! I cut Violet’s ringlets into a rather gorgeous bob when she was 2 1/4, and not only did the curls never grow back, but she also started calling me “mother” that week 😆

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