
Some videos

Some simple but excellent web grooviness (which I think need you to be able to download things onto your web host)

Singapore maths is or isn’t too hard to teach (depending on whether you home educate or not?).

2 thoughts on “Links”

  1. i really rate the singapore maths series we use. SB enjoys it, and it does encourage the doer to find the technique, as it were

  2. I use Singapore MPH, and think they’re great. The pupil books go seamlessly from full-on explanations, through examples, examples with blanks to fill in, examples with more blanks to fill in, to actual questions. Very easy to teach from, if that’s what you were going to do. I like the way they actually make the children think – Violet’s on 6A and has had questions that make her think more than any GCSE question I’ve seen. Not that they’re difficult, just that they successfully avoid the boring learn-how-not-why route.

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