Cooling our over-clocked (over-caffeinated?) brains…

As I work for a computer company, I was amused by this email from the woman who looks after the buildings:

The central heating is now back on, we had software and hardware problems with the boiler which have now been resolved.

I dread the day when we need to reboot the toaster. Busy weekend which we should blog soon – photos are on Flickr.

2 thoughts on “Cooling our over-clocked (over-caffeinated?) brains…”

  1. yesterday as my outlook crashed (again) and I had to reboot to regain mail connection (again) we were having a discussion about how life was so much better when we were at school with ink pens and dipping wells…

  2. I thought I was going to have to reboot the toaster (or boot it, at least), but then I realised an errant sultana from an early hot cross bun was shorting it.

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