Uniforms and Wendy Houses

A quick weekend post. The boys were in the Remembrance Day parade through Badgers, which was in the next town and huge – photos on Flickr. They wore their uniforms, got cold, bored and fed up waiting to go (no coats allowed!) and looked very smart even if they didn’t know what was going on. A member of the British Legion read this out, which is inscribed on a war memorial in Kohima (India)

When you go home tell them of us and say for your tomorrow we gave our today.

Mum and Dad were also down for the weekend, mostly so that Dad could put together the Wendy House that he’d made for them at the last house and had been sitting outside in bits since we moved. Mum also gave the garden a bit of a tidy, with some help from the children.

2 thoughts on “Uniforms and Wendy Houses”

  1. Sb was supposed to be in the (somewhat smaller, shorter and quicker) one with the Rainbows in our village, but come Sunday morn she didn’t want to go – possibly because she hadn’t seen a lot of Helen this week.

    I do remember the getting cold and bored bit from my days in the scouts though

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