Cubist interior design

We’re in the new place, surrounded by boxes. The phone’s still not connected (hopefully this will happen on Thursday or Friday via a new phone number), the computer’s still in bits and we will have no broadband till next week at the earliest 🙁 . I can’t see why it takes BT 2 weeks to set up a new phone service over existing cables to an existing customer (via a reseller, but even so it’s not rocket science) and then an extra week to put broadband over the top. Sorry Marcus (and Michelle) – it’s not your fault, but I can’t see how it’s more than a bit of keyboard bashing by an engineer who doesn’t have to leave an office given that it’s all computerised these days. Fortunately for me I have access at work :).

My father in law came down to help us move which was much appreciated. Unlike last time he helped us move he didn’t have to help pull phone cables across the road, but did do much bed dismantling / mantling and after much struggle and a new angle grinder 🙂 we got the climbing frame into pieces small enough to get onto the lorry. (Don’t worry – the only things destroyed were the rusted up nuts and bolts holding the bits together, plus some skin off our knuckles.)

The removals people were quick and thorough and made the people we used for the previous move look like amateurs. The only gripes are that they have labelled boxes in a sometimes random way (2 books plus a lot of other things in the same box -> labelled “books”) and dumped more than we had hoped in a big pile in the extension rather than in the kitchen etc.

We’ve managed to get the kitchen and another room box free, and also managed to keep the Kentwell stuff from being buried so that we could go to the 3 line whip open day on Saturday to have costumes inspected. Katy and the children all pass muster – I have nothing apart from the correct material to make my livery :(. Father in law helped here too with the loan of bowls, shoes etc. which will make life less stressful.

I’m sure that there’s loads more I could / should say but that’s it for now. Oh, there are photos on Flickr, including K and L looking cute and Tudor.

5 thoughts on “Cubist interior design”

  1. congrats on move. look forward to seeing new place at some point! glad the climbing frame made it, as I always enjoyed playing in one of those at heathrow viewing platform as a kid [Dad ATC]

  2. Glad to hear the move went well, packers efficient, help on hand! :clap: Can’t believe you’re managing to do Kentwell with new baby and just after your move! Are you super-human, or mad (or both) 🙂 ?!

  3. wow, that seems to have gone terribly quickly from the announcing of going to move to actually moving! Good to have you back as it were 🙂

  4. Glad you’re in, and passed on Saturday! Was thinking about you on Friday when local people were talking about it 🙂

  5. I’m sure BT would have an explanation but it’s not being shared with me.

    I grumble about electronic money transfers. There’s no reason why they’re not instantaneous.

    Congrats on the move. Hope you settle in quickly. We still have unpacked boxes of books in the loft – from 11 years ago.

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