Licence to bill

At work we occupy 3 floors of an open office building. Despite our recently launched Project Midas (an odd name for a company-wide cost cutting exercise – some rather ruder and more accurate alternative names have been suggested) the little pieces of paper pinned up on everyone’s little divider walls to show our desk number and our name have been replaced by flashy metal plates. Oh, and the desks have all been renumbered.

So, instead of being at desk 55, I now sit at 00-138. 00 means ground floor, but unfortunately the desk numbers start at 100 so no-one has the number 007 – still the compulsory tight blue swimming trunks probably wouldn’t comply with company dress policy…

Continuing the Bond theme, could the new desk numbers be part of a company-wide desk co-ordinate system that allows our esteemed leader to train his satellite death ray onto under-performers…?

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