Tears before bedtime…

…and breakfast, morning snack, lunchtime, teatime… 🙁
L’s tantrums are starting to get out of hand!
Today’s set were, I think, largely due to tiredness after such a busy day, including lots of walking and a rather late night yesterday, but still! We had a tantrum about getting dressed in the right clothes, another about not taking my hairbrush with her in the car, another when we got where we were going (science at S’s house; no reading morning because his mum is away just now) because she wanted the shoes she had refused to wear earlier so we hadn’t bothered to bring with us as it’s a no-shoes household anyway, and then yet another when I took her to the loo to do the wee she was sure she didn’t need (but managed to produce anyway, once she had calmed down enough to sit still for a few seconds). Following that little doozy L had a big feed and then promptly fell asleep for a good couple of hours, which seemed to put her in rather a better frame of mind, thank goodness.
Didn’t stop her producing another couple during the afternoon, but nothing like the same intensity…

2 thoughts on “Tears before bedtime…”

  1. We really must get L and F together to compare notes!! Actually, it sounds like neither of them needs any encouragement… I thought they should be winding down by this age, not winding up!

  2. Oh yes, I forgot that F has quite a good line in this too – perhaps they have already been comparing notes!
    Maybe it’s a third child speciality?

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