Tuesday 17th October

As blogged for “one day in history”.

The day started at about 6, I guess, as that’s roughly when L came creeping along the corridor and into our bed. Fortunately she agreed to wait for “Mummy milk” until the radio came on (7:00) so I was able to doze a little longer 🙂
B very kindly got the children up and breakfasted, as usual just now, which gives me a chance to start the day a little more slowly, nurse my morning sickness and actually eat my breakfast instead of sharing it with the gannets – Crunchie seems to have more appeal than porridge, although come to think of it when I have porridge they steal that too!
J remembered a conversation last night about Marie Curie, so the first priority for him was looking her up on the internet, which then metamorphosed into lots of Google Images of fun things like brain coral – kept them busy while I dressed anyway 😉
Nothing much planned for today, so once B had gone off to work J and K (6 and 4) spent the morning doing a little Maths and English while L (2) ran round the house doing her best to distract them. They all did some colouring for the Nature Detectives competition too and then we decided to go to coffee morning at Castle Street Methodist church. By then, however, we were too late to walk, so jumped in the Zafira (car seats and belts all round) and drove across town to the church.
Made it in time to get warm cheese scones – always a bonus – and a large wedge of Victoria sponge, as well as a nice chance to chat (and, as usual, answer lots of questions as to why the boys weren’t in school) and enjoy a nice cup of tea. J wanted to go into town to spend his pocket money in charity shops (lots of toys for very little money) but I managed to put him off until Thursday when we’ll be there anyway and instead we went to Aldi and Iceland to stock up on essentials while we had the car to get them all home.
We got back rather late for lunch, but I think they were still all full of scone and cake, so we just cooked (defrosted!) some veggies and mash (to make a change from sandwiches) and shared those, then children pootled about (Pc, books, toys) and I searched madly for a Didymos wrap I’ve managed to lose  until it was time to take J to French club. He still goes to the after-school club at the school we withdrew him from at Christmas, which is great as he loves his French teacher and gets the chance to meet up with old friends again on a regular basis. I put L in her Cwtshi carrier (handily tied above the bump) and J and K walked – well, ran, as we were late again *sigh*
Came home via the shoe shop on the corner, where all three children were measured but only K got shoes; L hasn’t grown yet and J’s feet are too narrow, so we’ll have to hunt around for him. Back home just in time to watch Blue Peter and Newsround.
Pizza for tea (B got home just in time) then bathtime for two littlest while J read and for J while they had stories (K) and last feed (L). All in bed by 8 (late night for J as TV programme on Holbein he got interested in) which leaves B and me free to keep hunting for that missing wrap…