Choosing presents

This morning K discovered half a dead mouse indoors, that had probably been left there by one of the cats. He asked why they did it and I said that it was because the cats thought that we were really special and so wanted to give us a present, and they would like a mouse as a present so they think we would too.

He said “Can’t we train them to bring us a present that we’d actually like?”

In other news, after a late start, L slept through again last night. This could be habit forming.

2 thoughts on “Choosing presents”

  1. We had a cat that used to bring spare ribs and chicken wings from the bin at the back of the Chinese takeaway, but they were never much good by the time he got them home. 😉

    Both girls didn’t sleep through until I was pregnant with the next child. Maybe that’s what I need to do with Jasper…on second thoughts, no, definitely not!

  2. LOL One of ours (I suspect not the one who is bringing whole and half mice to us atm) presents us regularly with leaves, plastic bags and crisp packets – in fact anything that rustles! When we were living in a boarding school she also once brought me a whole, perfect KFC chicken wing (or similar) – still warm – obviously pitying my vegetarian state!

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