Brownie points for Bob – and chocolate disgrace for J, K and L!

Sooo tired on Thursday morning that Bob took the morning off and went with K and L to do parents and tots for me so I could stay in bed – how’s that for going beyond the call of duty? 🙂

J was really taking his time about getting ready, so in the end we decided that Bob should just take the two little
ones and leave J with me. I set him up with some Singapore maths and an email to write to Z in Canada and went back to bed. Came down an hour or so later to see how he was doing: “I’m just about to start the maths, Mummy!” (from the depths of a book, as usual 😆 ) – so lots of dedication there 🙄 Once he’d got the maths done we grouted some bathroom tiles, which may have been a mistake as it completely wiped me out, but at least it’s done now 🙂

Bob came back and got lunch for everyone, then went to work, leaving us to a quiet afternoon together. The children spent most of the time upstairs playing quietly in their room – or so I thought – while I dozed on the sofa. We had one brief foray out to the post office; L was starkers, as is her preferred state just now *sigh* so rather than having a clothing row we went for the easy option of using the Leo Storch to do a full back wrap cross and she tucked her arms in *grin* – I don’t think anyone noticed her lack of clothing. 😉

Discovered rather later in the day (when children weren’t exactly in a hurry to come down for tea) that while I thought they were playing nicely upstairs (and was feeling well-disposed towards J as a result) they were actually trashing their room and scoffing the entire box of chocolate tasting club chocs DH and I treat ourselves to every few months 🙁

We then spent a fair part of the evening trying to thrash out a punishment (and restraining ourselves from thrashing the children!) which both we and the children think fits the crime. So far, they’ve suggested no treats or chocolate until Christmas, which I think may be asking a bit much 😆 and giving up pocket money – but only J gets any and that’s only pennies so could take a long while 😆 so it got changed to selling enough toys to raise the money to buy a new box of chocolates. Actually, we could do with a serious clear out, so I think I’m going to enourage that one and back it up with no treats (especially chocolate!) for a week and no playing in their room for a week.

2 thoughts on “Brownie points for Bob – and chocolate disgrace for J, K and L!”

  1. Sorry you’re so tired, and I love how you dealt with the not wanting to wear clothes situation! Wish you hadn’t linked to that chocolate website though, yum.

  2. Oh no, I get those CTC chocolates once every 3 months, and would be devastated if the kids got to them!! Although I was very noble and gave the last box to Bill for his birthday (shines halo…..!).

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